Monday, September 21, 2009

Talking points on Kozol's Amazing Grace

I read Kozol's Amazing Grace today and it put new perspective on my life. I realized how removed I am from such desolation and how fortunate that makes me. The story of St Ann's Church and its surrounding community and the hardships they have to endure is sad to say the least. The fact that they suffer so much and yet they are located in the backyard of one of the wealthiest areas of NYC seems hard to understand. When Cliffie tells Kozol that he had seen a boy shot in the head and then asks him if he wants a cookie, its as if it didn't phase him because it is his reality. He lives it, so he copes with it. The sickness that surrounds St Anne's doesn't seem tolerable. In your day-to-day life it is easy to get lost in your own small world and chose not to look around for fear of what you might see. -Brian


  1. Brian, I talked about Cliffie telling Kozol that he saw a boy shot in the head and then asking if he wanted a cookie too. I think that this was trying to get Kozol's point across. This young boy is forced to cope with the reality of where he lives everyday and the people who have the power to help are unwilling to admit they have the power.

  2. You clearly got the emotional reponse here... now what do you think his larger claim is? (Thanks for reposting with quotes, too!)

    LB :)
