I think this is a meaningful quote that Kahne and Westheimer take from Ernest Boyer. This is the common goal of service learning regardless of whether the approach is 'giving' or 'caring'. Although, the 'caring' approach takes 'giving' to the next level, they both share the same core principal. The purpose of service learning is to experience the joy of selflessness hands on and not just talk about solutions to social problems in a classroom. It is in the doing. Service learning requires action and interaction. Although it would be ideal to have all students come away from service learning with a deep sense of empathy and social concern, just giving in the first place is still better than only talking about it in a classroom.
2. " When I care, Nodding explains, a relationship develops in which " the other's reality becomes a real possibility for me." The distance between the one caring and the one cared for diminishes.
This is a great quote describing a deeper connection and understanding of service learning. To be charitable alone is good but to empathize is better. I think that it is important to realize that service learning isn't just privileged students helping the underprivileged, for their own personal satisfaction. Ideally, it is one person caring for another enough to take the time to understand their situation and help improve it and come away from the experience a catalyst for change as well as a changed human being.
3. "To be critical thinkers, students must be able to consider arguments that justify conclusions that conflict with their own predispositions and self-interest. "
This quote stresses the importance of reflection and critical thinking. Upon reflection, students might arrive at conclusions that are different from what they had believed to be true their entire lives. They must then realize that they were wrong and change. Through service learning students are forced to challenge their own beliefs and question what they had come to accept. It is important for students to experience change and transformation first hand and free from outside influence. The knowledge gained is deeper and more lasting.
I thought that the piece was interesting and relevant to what we are learning and doing with VIPS. I think it is very valuable to have the time in an actual classroom where we are educating and being educated at the same time. The fact that we can help out and learn at the same time is great and it makes perfect sense. How can their be any strong opposition to such a mutually beneficial program? Is it not a win-win situation for everyone involved in service learning?
" is one person caring for another enough to take the time to understand their situation and help improve it and come away from the experience a catalyst for change as well as a changed human being." ... very well said !
ReplyDeleteI like what you said about how we are educating the kids and being educated by them at the same time. It really is a win-win situation. We learn how to teach and how to approach them, and they respect us because they know that we care. It's such a great thing, and I too believe it to be a mutually beneficial program.
ReplyDeleteI also like how you said that not only are you teaching the children but they are teaching you. I think that service learning is a way for teachers to sit and informally talk with students about what type of teaching works best for them.
ReplyDeleteI also picked up on your point about the reciprocal relationship that SL can bring. But we have to do the reflective work in order to truly learn FROM and not just teach TO others.